Privacy policy

the D2 collective

Protecting the personal data we process is very important to us. We process personal data of our (potential) customers, speakers, members and clients with whom we have made or want to make contact, recipients of any newsletters and of all other persons who contact us.

When processing personal data from data subjects in Europe, we are bound by the General Data Protection Regulation as of 25 May 2018. In this privacy statement we explain how we protect your privacy and how we deal with your personal data. Do you have any questions about the privacy statement? Then this privacy statement explains how you can contact us.

Who processes your personal data?

These privacy regulations deal with the processing of personal data by the D2 collective as the data controller. Our company is established in Amsterdam at Jekerstraat 23, 1078 LW. You can reach us by email at

What personal data do we process?

Personal data is data that says something about you or data that can be associated with you. Everything that can be done with your personal data, for example the collection, storage, use, transfer or deletion of your data, is called 'processing' of personal data. We process personal data that you provide to us yourself, for example by sending a request to join our online community, creating an account on our website, or by registering for our events. These are contact details and other personal data. 

the D2 collective processes your personal data because you use our services, attend our events and/or because you supplied us with the data yourself. The following overview lists the personal data that we process:

  • First and last name;

  • Telephone number;

  • E-mail address;

  • IP address;

  • Location data;

  • Information about the company (you work at), previous employment and work experience;

  • Information about your activities on our website;

  • Information about your surfing behaviour across different websites.

For what purposes and on what basis do we process your personal data?

the D2 collective processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To process your payment for our events.

  • To improve the user experience.

  • To be able to send our newsletter to your e-mail. 

  • To be able to e-mail you about our services or events.

  • To be able to send you all the relevant information about events, such as your ticket.

  • To inform you about any changes to events or any of our other services.

  • To give you the opportunity to create an account for our online platform.

If you are located in the EU or UK, the following paragraph applies specifically to you.  

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and UK GDPR require us to explain the valid legal bases we rely on in order to process your personal data. As such, we may rely on the following legal bases to process your personal data:  

  • Consent. We may process your information if you have given us permission (i.e. consent) to use your personal data for a specific purpose. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

  • Performance of a Contract. We may process your personal data when we believe it is necessary to fulfil our contractual obligations to you, including providing our platform or at your request prior to entering into a user agreement with you.

  • Legitimate Interests. We may process your information when we believe it is reasonably necessary to achieve our legitimate business interests and those interests do not outweigh your interests and fundamental rights and freedoms.

  • Legal obligation. We may process your information if this is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations, such as our duty of administration. 

How long do we keep personal data?

the D2 collective does not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to realize the objectives for which we collect data. We use the following storage periods for the following categories of personal data:

Personal data 

The data in the ‘Personal data category’ is kept for as long as the person is using our services and/or part of our community. We need the data in this category in order to use our services and to make sure that the person in question can be contacted so that we can provide our services.

  • First and last name.

  • Telephone number.

  • E-mail address.

  • Company details.

Data to improve the user experience

The data in the ‘Data to improve the user experience’ category is kept for a period of 1 year. We need this data in this category in order to improve our services in the technical field and in the field of the user experience. 

  • IP address.

  • Location data.

  • Information about your activities on our website.

  • Information about your surfing behavior across different websites. 

Contact details

The data in the ‘Contact details’ category is kept for as long as the person is using our service and/or part of our community. We need this data in this category in order to use our service

  • List of the customer’s contact details through the member registration form.

What types of cookies do we use?

the D2 collective only uses functional and analytical cookies that do not infringe on your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you visit this website for the first time. The functional cookies that we use are necessary for the technical operation of our website and your own convenience. The cookies ensure that the website works properly and remember, for example, your preferences. 

We also make use of analytical cookies, for example Google Analytics. We use these cookies to analyse the behaviour of visitors to our website. This enables us to analyse the website. All information we collect through, for example Google Analytics, is anonymised and cannot be traced back to you. For more information about what Google exactly does with the collected data, we refer to the privacy statements of Google. This statement can change regularly.

We also use marketing and tracking cookies. We collaborate with third parties to display advertisements on our website or to manage our advertisements on other sites. These third parties may use technologies such as cookies to collect information about your activities on this website and other websites to provide you with advertising based on your browsing activities and interests.

You can opt out of cookies by configuring your internet browser so that it does not store cookies anymore. In addition, you can delete all information previously stored using your browser settings. 

How do we handle your personal data?

the D2 collective takes the protection of your data very seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised modification of your data. We have taken measures to secure your personal data and to prevent misuse. For example, we ensure that the system in which we store your personal data is secure. We consistently update and patch our systems, ensuring that potential vulnerabilities are promptly addressed. Our commitment to open standards means we avoid proprietary technology, providing you with transparent and accessible services.

Our servers are located in the EU. If you access our platform from outside the EU, please be aware that your information may be transferred to, stored, and processed by us in our facilities and by third parties with whom we may share your personal data in other countries. 

We use Hivebrite as our hostingpartner. Our hosting partner provides the infrastructure and technical 

support to store, manage, and maintain our website, ensuring its accessibility and security. Our hostingpartner has the ISO 27001 certification (demonstrates that an organisation follows international best practices for information security management).

If you believe that your data is not properly secured or there is evidence of abuse, please contact our service department or send an e-mail to

Processing outside the EEA

If you are a resident in the European Economic Area (EEA), United Kingdom (UK), or Switzerland, the transfer of data to a third country may occur, but we emphasize that such transfers will only take place if that country ensures an adequate level of security. We strive to collaborate with our partners in a manner that prioritizes data protection, and two examples of the mechanisms we employ are adequacy decisions and Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC’s).

Do we share your personal data with third parties?

The approach of the D2 collective is designed to minimize the sharing of information with third parties as much as possible. 

We may share your data with third-parties, such as companies we organize the event for or the hosting location, or others who perform services for us or on our behalf and require access to such information to do that work. We have contracts in place with our third parties, which are designed to help safeguard your personal data. This means that they cannot do anything with your personal data unless we have instructed them to do it. They will also not share your personal data with any organisation apart from us. They also commit to protect the data they hold on our behalf and to retain it for the period we instruct. 

View or modify your personal data?

Do you want to know which personal data we have documented about you? You have the right to request an overview of the personal data that the D2 collective has processed or is processing about you.

If you find that your personal data is processed incorrectly or incompletely or you do not find it necessary that certain personal data are processed, you can submit a request for modification, supplementation or removal to the D2 collective. Furthermore, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and you have the right to data transfer. In addition, you have the right to withdraw a granted consent for the processing of your personal data. This is for example the case when you receive our newsletter.

If you send us such a request, we will inform you as soon as possible, but in any case within 4 weeks after receipt of your request, about the actions we have taken.

For questions or complaints about the processing of personal data by the D2 collective you can send an e-mail to

What are your privacy rights? 

In some regions (like the EEA, UK, Switzerland, and Canada), you have certain rights under applicable data protection laws. 

These may include the right (i) to request access and obtain a copy of your personal data, (ii) to request rectification or erasure; (iii) to restrict the processing of your personal data; (iv) if applicable, to data portability; and (v) not to be subject to automated decision-making. In certain circumstances, you may also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.  

We will consider and act upon any request in accordance with applicable data protection laws. 


If you are located in the EEA or UK and you believe we are unlawfully processing your personal data, you also have the right to complain to your Member State data protection authority or UK data protection authority. 


If you are located in Switzerland, you may contact the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner.

About these privacy regulations

The regulations governing privacy law change regularly. Our privacy policy is therefore never completely finished. We keep our policy up to date. the D2 collective can therefore amend these privacy regulations from time to time. If these changes are also important for you, we will inform you about the changes over email or make the changes known to you in a conspicuous way. The most recent version of our privacy regulations can always be found on our website. These privacy regulations were last changed on 17th of May 2024.