How can we help you

  • By bringing together a curated audience of industry professionals, decision-makers, and potential customers, these events create a highly focused and interactive environment, offering a powerful solution to the lead acquisition challenge

  • In today's fast-paced tech industry, establishing thought leadership and gaining visibility can be a significant challenge.

    Your company is recognized as an industry thought leader, fostering credibility and trust among attendees/listeners.

  • Tapping into the D2 talent pool our boosts visibility for your jobs and company culture. With thousands of engaged tech professionals, your openings reach the right audience, leading to more exposure and top-notch applications.

  • Remote work environments can hinder social engagement and limit networking opportunities. By offering corporate memberships, we take the social engagement part off companies' plates and provide their members with the opportunity to join our events and connect

  • Unlock the potential of community-led growth with our expert consulting services.

Thomas Hesseling, Marketing Manager

“The biggest challenge was inviting the right people to attend the event since we were lacking brand awareness, and a big enough network around us. That's where the D2 collective comes in. Partnering with them has been invaluable for expanding our network and making new connections. ”

Flora van Vliet, Sales Manager at DataSnipper

“the D2 collective helped us create an employer branding event, boosting our visibility among Amsterdam's top tech talent and helping us recruit for commercial roles. With over 80 participants and positive feedback, the event created great energy and engagement.”