Networking: How To Foster Meaningful Connections in the Tech World


Summary. In a world where networking often carries connotations of transactional and opportunistic nature, it’s easy to overlook the profound potential it holds for genuine human connection, growth, and support. 


What is Networking? 

Networking involves meeting new people, exchanging ideas, and information with those who share a common profession, industry, or interest. Typically done in informal social settings or professional events, networking is also a skill that can be developed and applied in various settings.

Why Networking Matters

  • Career Growth 

Time and again, research has shown that people with stronger networks have higher incomes and tend to receive more promotions. Expanding your connections within the tech industry across various roles and occupations — both within and beyond your current company — also expands your access to valuable insights and insider information when new opportunities arise. Additionally, cultivating relationships with individuals outside of your immediate circle can be pivotal for your career growth by putting you on their radar.

  • Gathering Information 

Networking involves engaging with different people with diverse experiences, allowing you to gather information and spark new ideas. Your network serves as a valuable resource, offering feedback on your projects, insights into tech industry trends, and advice on both career advancement and personal growth. This enriches your learning journey, growth, and overall performance.

  • Making Meaningful Connections 

Networking isn’t just about finding a job. While the tech industry naturally exposes you to a broad network, there's ample opportunity for deeper, more meaningful conversations that go beyond small talk. Research shows that most people prefer candid, and authentic conversations as they foster a sense of connectedness. Instead of asking “Where are you from?” consider asking, “What places have you lived in or travelled through that have had the biggest impact on you?” Similarly, instead of “What do you do?” try, “What problems are you passionate about solving for others and why?” These thought-provoking questions can spark more profound conversations and lead to developing purposeful connections. 

Networking Tips for Professionals in the Tech Industry 

Now that we’ve covered what networking is and its value, how do you begin to network? Here are some ways to get started: 

1. Build Your Online Presence


Platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram are widely used by tech thought leaders and professionals. Don’t hesitate to send a thoughtful message to a fellow tech colleague, engage with their content and announcements, and start building relationships to increase your visibility as an industry professional. 

2. Attend Tech Events and Conferences 


In-person tech events offer prime opportunities for networking with fellow professionals in the field. They're tailored for sparking conversations, asking questions, and exchanging knowledge among peers and industry leaders. Attending these events allows you to really get a feel for your local tech community and to truly engage and connect with people you may have otherwise not crossed paths with.

3. Co-working Spaces


Discover some local co-working spaces near you for a productive work environment and the chance to chat and connect with new faces. Here are a few of our top picks:

Are you a tech professional in the Netherlands, Dublin, London, Paris, New York, or Barcelona? 

Are you interested in building meaningful connections with like-minded individuals and gaining access to a wide range of personal and professional development opportunities? Then, we invite you to join us at our next event near you! 

See here for a full list of our upcoming events:


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